Incident report on the 2021-02-15 Erbil Attack

On 2021-02-15, a rocket attack was conducted in Erbil, apparently targeting the US military base adjacent to the Erbil airport.

On 15 February, an attack was perpetrated against the US base at located on the military side of the Erbil Airport using 107mm rockets.  One US contractor was killed in the attack.  We undertook an analysis of the event.

An interactive map can be downloaded for use in GIS/mapping software that supports KML/KMZ files, such as Google Earth.

New Thermal Solution for Real-Time Detection of Targets Over 38°C

Fever Detected

BRT offers a new thermal screening solution configured for real time detection of individuals showing temperatures over 38°C based on the calibrated Mobotix M16 EST Thermal Radiometry camera. When the camera detects a target over 38°C there is a an immediate alert, no operator skill is required. The camera takes 9 measurements per second and is capable of screening multiple individuals simultaneously for accurate, high volume screening.

This solution is approved for distribution in accordance with the U.S. FDA’s COVID-19 Emergency policy for telethermographic systems.

Fever Detected
Real Time Fever Detection

We have a data sheet for three basic application-specific configurations:

Fever Screening Data Sheet

and a white paper describing the key technical details of system:

Fever Screening White Paper

The technology behind these systems is in high demand world-wide.  Please contact us for details and availability.