New Thermal Solution for Real-Time Detection of Targets Over 38°C

BRT offers a new thermal screening solution configured for real time detection of individuals showing temperatures over 38°C based on the calibrated Mobotix M16 EST Thermal Radiometry camera. When the camera detects a target over 38°C there is a an immediate alert, no operator skill is required. The camera takes 9 measurements per second and is capable of screening multiple individuals simultaneously for accurate, high volume screening.

This solution is approved for distribution in accordance with the U.S. FDA’s COVID-19 Emergency policy for telethermographic systems.

Fever Detected
Real Time Fever Detection

We have a data sheet for three basic application-specific configurations:

Fever Screening Data Sheet

and a white paper describing the key technical details of system:

Fever Screening White Paper

The technology behind these systems is in high demand world-wide. Please contact us for details and availability.

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